What Is A Bankroll

Posted on by admin
An amount of money a Pokerplayer (a gambler) has avaliable to him/her.
  1. What Is A Jewish Bankroll
  2. What Is A Michigan Bankroll
by rollex September 15, 2006
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Bankroll management can be broken down into three stages. The first stage requires us to set a budget for how much money we’re prepared to risk losing, and then allocate that sum of money to be used solely for the purposes of betting on sports. The best poker bankroll management strategy for beginners is to have 50 buyins for any limit you are playing. Experienced poker players can get by with a bankroll of 30 buyins. And for professional poker players I recommend using a bankroll management strategy of 100 buyins for any limit you are playing. There is a lot more to it than this though.

a spanish word meaning the flipflop
used by latin moms to beat their child's ass

What Is A Jewish Bankroll

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to financially support someone and/or something, such as, but not limited to: a person, a project, or a company.
a warm thanks to the many members of the merchants guild for generously funding and bankrolling these videos, you're all truly wonderful.
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damn dude look at that stash of cash man.....whats up with all that bankroll??
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What Is A Michigan Bankroll

In poker, the total sum of money that an individual player has at his/her disposal.
I just doubled my bank roll.
My bankroll is sitting at 10k.
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group maple ridgefuckboys who think they top shit.
by poonslayer42069666 November 14, 2016
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slang for person financing some deal or enterprise
by Arlan Holt March 29, 2004
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